Why safefive safefive offers Long Term Support (LTS) for Shopware 5!
Who is safefive suitable for?
What does safefive offer and who is behind it?
There are many good reasons to keep a store up-to-date and secure. One of them is: hackers rarely sleep and attacks on store systems have been increasing for years. The target of these attacks is the sensitive personal data of your customers stored in the store systems. These must be protected at all costs. Security patches close attack gaps.
The advantages of safefive
More time for your relaunch thanks to Long Term Support with safefive
You have more time to complete your relaunch or migration in peace because your store is protected in the best possible way during this time.
More time for your agency
Agencies only have limited resources. In order for them to do high-quality work and meet timelines, some projects can start later. In the waiting time you can protect your store optimally.
More time for Shopware and plugin providers
If you are waiting for some features that are currently missing from Shopware 6 to be implemented, you can use safefive to keep your Shopware 5 store running safely until then.
PCI/DSS is a standard designed to prevent fraud in credit card payments. One component of this standard is that the software is always kept up to date and current without delay.
Hacker attacks are on the rise
According to the BSI, cyber attacks are becoming more sophisticated and are rising in number. https://www.bsi.bund.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/BSI/Publikationen/Lageberichte/Lagebericht2020.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=2
The end of PHP and MySQL versions
The PHP programming language used by Shopware 5 also has life cycles https://www.php.net/supported-versions.php. For example, official support for PHP version 7.3 already ended and support for PHP 7.4 will also end in November 2022, so it is important to support new PHP versions.
What does safefive offer?
Security updates
safefive offers a security plugin that allows you to close security vulnerabilities as soon as they become known.
Compatibility updates
Shopware 5 remains compatible with new PHP or MySQL versions. These components also change and have new versions to which Shopware must be adapted.
Bug Bounty Program
safefive offers a Bug Bounty program and gives out bonuses for finding security vulnerabilities. Learn more: FAQ “What is a Bug Bounty Program?“
Active search for security vulnerabilities
safefive actively searches for security vulnerabilities and tests attack scenarios.
Information about current security issues
safefive actively informs you when new security problems occur.
Information about legally relevant security issues
safefive informs you as soon as there are new regulations on legally relevant security topics.
Warnings about the end of life of software in use
safefive informs you about the end of life of technologies used by Shopware 5, such as PHP or MySQL versions.
Support from Germany
Our support staff is based in Germany and is specially trained.
Standards and tests
safefive operates an extensive test system to ensure that changes to the program code continue to enable stable store operation.
At least 5 years of support
Safefive will continue to support Shopware 5 for at least 5 years. If there is still sufficient demand after that, the extension will be announced in time.
Who is behind safefive?
A company from Germany
safefive is part of Paddox GmbH, founded in 2019 to extend eCommerce software whose support is discontinued by the manufacturer.
Experience in eCommerce
The founders of safefive each have more than 15 years of experience in eCommerce.
Experience with Long Term Support (LTS)
The company behind safefive already supported Magento 1 customers with mage one and has been offering security and compatibility patches with the project since 2020.
Shopware experience
The founders of safefive all have experience working with Shopware
Exclusive Shopware Partner
safefive is supported and recommended by Shopware itself. The two companies work closely together to provide Shopware 5 customers with the best possible solution for the time leading up to the relaunch.
Strong networking in the community
The founders of safefive are in close contact with the community and also organize community events such as the Shopware Community Unconference (SCUC) (Shopware Community UnConference)
Strong partner network
safefive works closely with partners from different disciplines and thus operates an “early warning system” for the occurrence of security problems.