Shopware 5 support end 2024 - and now?
safefive offers security updates for Shopware 5 as of 2024
You need a little more time, but want a safe store?

Security Blog - What happens after the End of Life (EOL) of Shopware 5?

What to do when an online store system has been declared End of Life and no more security updates are provided by Shopware 5? From August 2024, safefive will take over Long Term Support for Shopware 5 - but what does that mean in concrete terms? What does the DSGVO require? Is there a season for hacker attacks? How important is a server in Germany? How much time does it actually take to crack a password? Are there uncrackable passwords? What are salted passwords?

We will cover these and other topics in our security blog. We also provide information about these topics in our newsletter.

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Hello World – Hello SCD

Finally! After two years of pandemic, the Shopware Community Day took place again with an audience. Parallel to the live event, participants could take part in the conference online. We were there on site in Ahaus! Today, shortly after 11 a.m., the time had come. safefive saw the light of day directly after Sebastian Hamann’s […]

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